View Annual Purchasing Plan
The Annual Purchasing Plan main goal is to allow the State Entity likely to increase the conditions of competition through the participation of a greater number of traders involved in the selection processes occurring during the fiscal year, also allowing the State to count with enough information to perform its coordinated purchase.

General Info


MISIÓN. Ejecutar proyectos de infraestructura física y acciones de mantenimiento y mejoramiento, para que los habitantes de Cundinamarca se movilicen de manera adecuada, disfruten del espacio público, mejoren su calidad de vida y se alcance el desarrollo sostenible. Se tendrá como base el respeto al ciudadano y se implementarán mecanismos de participación orientados a generar un sentido de pertenencia. VISIÓN Ser líderes en gestionar y ejecutar proyectos de infraestructura física pública, con miras a lograr el desarrollo sostenible y un crecimiento integral para mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad cundinamarquesa 

POLÍTICA DE CALIDAD El Instituto de Infraestructura y Concesiones de Cundinamarca (ICCU) mediante la ejecución de proyectos de infraestructura física y acciones de mantenimiento y mejoramiento se compromete con la Comunidad Cundinamarquesa en satisfacer continuamente sus requerimientos, necesidades y expectativas y en mejorar continuamente la eficacia, eficiencia y efectividad de sus procesos, buscando el desarrollo integral del Talento Humano y el logro de las metas institucionales y departamentales 

Contact Info

haidy yulieth rodrgiuez miranda 

Related Info

154,906,029,821 COP 
538,275,400 COP 
53,827,540 COP 
The Annual Purchasing Plan is an informative document and the acquisitions included in it can be cancelled, reviewed or modified. This information is not a commitment or obligation on the part of the State Agency or agrees to purchase goods, works or services mentioned therein.

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UNSPSC CodeDescriptionExpected begin dateExpected due date for receiving repliesExpected duration dateTypeBudget originExpected total valueExpected value in actual Future budget requiredFuture budget stateBOLocationRelated proceduresResponsable contact infoWill the tender be associated to SMEs?Will the lots be associated to SMEs?Does it comply with the minimum 30% of food purchased from small farmers and local peasant, family and community agriculture producers? (decree 248 of 2021)Are goods and services included that are not related to Article of Decree 248 of 2021?
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Possible UNSPSC CodesDescriptionResponsable contact infoWill the tender be associated to SMEs?Will the lots be associated to SMEs?Does it comply with the minimum 30% of food purchased from small farmers and local peasant, family and community agriculture producers? (decree 248 of 2021)Are goods and services included that are not related to Article of Decree 248 of 2021?
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